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Action Plan (Project NGA/S84)

National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons
Public forums
Stakeholder meeting
Wrist bands
Human trafficking is a problem that is affecting a significant number of young people
Human trafficking has critical dangers including death
There are alternatives to irregular migration
Offering information on safe migration
Providing experts services
Sensitization of the public
Training of civil society on how to effectively advocate on behalf of vulnerable populations
Training of judicial enforcement and how to handle issues relating to Trafficking in Persons
Combining both expert training and public sensitization as part of the intervention to enhance awareness effectiveness.

In partnership with the National Education Research and Development Council, (NERDC) Irregular migration subject which includes Trafficking in Person issues into the Basic and Senior Secondary school Curricula, with support from the European Union. In Basic Education, TIP was infused into the following subjects; English Studies, Religion and National Values (Social studies, Civic Education, Security Education. While for the Senior Secondary Education level it is infused into the English language, Civic Education.

In addition, it was also included in the minimum standards for teachers training colleges. Through the partnership with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMD) and the National Commission for Colleges of Education in Nigeria.