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Volunteer Association

Migration as Messengers Association of Liberia

The Migrants As Messengers Association of Liberia (MAMAL) was founded on July14,2022 by group of young men and women who are returned migrants. We left Liberia without knowledge on safe migration procedures & migrated irregularly based on information received from our peers in the community and on social media. Because of the risks and abuses we experienced during our irregular migration journey, we decided to form ourselves into an association to inform young people in Liberia and beyond about the risks associated with irregular migration and the prevention of human trafficking. We do this by sharing our candid testimonies on what we experienced during our irregular migration and human trafficking journey. We don’t only raise awareness on the risks and danger of irregular migration and human trafficking but also provide information on safe migration procedures, provide support to returned migration, and advocate for vulnerable migrants.

MAMAL aim is to provide safe and supportive information on migration and other pressing issues for youths, potential migrants, and parents, affording them the opportunity to be self-sufficient in decision making through effective awareness-raising campaigns. We intend to bridge the migration gaps in Liberia by providing access to accurate safe migration information which was not available to us in the past.     

MAMAL has fifty (50) active Members. Thirteen (13) females and thirty-seven (37) males. The association has an experienced leadership that enables it to conduct its activity in a smooth and professional manner.  

Skills and Competencies: 

The association has many unique skills that makes it more suitable for the problem it intends to solve in Liberia and beyond. Some of the skills the association can boast of are;  

  • Video recording and editing  

  • Communication for Development (C4D)  

  • Interview and storytelling Techniques  

  • Risk Communication 

  • Multi-Media Techniques 

  • Community Entry  

  • Professional Photographing  

  • Etc.  

These skills and many more put the association in an advantageous position to provide impactful  

Awareness messages that change the target audience negative perception towards migration.  

Mission Statement: 

Our Mission is to educate & transform youth through programs to enable them to become  

self-aware, make inform travelling decision & become key actors in society.  

Vision Statement: 

Our vision is to develop a platform through Awareness raising where young people, parents & other key actors in society will actively participate in decision that impact their everyday lives and future generation. 

Area(s) covered:
8 Counties of Liberia
Description of services:
  • Training in Impactful Awareness Raising  

  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support First Aid Services   

  • Popular Theatre, Video recording & Editing for awareness and advertisement,  

  • professional Photographing, 

  • Design and implement Awareness raising campaign 

Meet our team

Richard D. Shasha
Richard D. Shasha
Tamba Mills
Tamba Mills
Vice President for Operations
Sharon P. Logan
Sharon P. Logan
Vice Preseident for Administration
Prince Jack Doe
Prince Jack Doe
General Secretary
Nataline P. Williepaye
Nataline P. Williepaye
Financial Secretary
Abrahim Kromah
Abrahim Kromah
Public Relations Officer
Linda Gaye
Linda Gaye
Assistant General Secretary
Abraham K. Sackor
Abraham K. Sackor
Albert Gargar
Albert Gargar
Aminata Sesay
Aminata Sesay
Joedafi K. Davies
Joedafi K. Davies
Mohammed S. Kelleh
Mohammed S. Kelleh