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Liberia - Abraham

Abraham Sackor is a Liberia from Lofa County. He is of the Mandingo tribe. He is graduate of the William V. S. Tubman High School in Monrovia. He is study of Economic at the United Methodist University in Monrovia. He out spoken and a determine young. He is a returned migrant and a MaM Volunteer
Mr. Abraham Sackor was born on July 16, 1989 in Monrovia unto the union of Mr. & Mrs. Alieu and Bendu Sackor. He is a Muslim and a citizen of the Republic of Liberia. He completed his high school education at the William V. S. Tubman High School in Monrovia. He is now a student at the United Methodist University in Monrovia where he is studying Economic. He is a humanitarian who love to work with young people. He is a determined and straight forward young person. He is hard working and a lover of sport especially football. Because of the economic situation in Liberia, Abraham left Liberia in 2019 with the intent to reach Spain where he believed he could find opportunities to work and further his education. His decision was based on what he heard from his friends on social media and in his community. He left Liberia using the route through Guinea, Mali through the desert to Algeria. Upon reaching Algeria after some difficulties in the desert, he realized that what he was told by his colleagues about the journey was all lies. He became frustrated and down hearted. After some months of hardship in Algeria, he was arrested by Algerian security and send out of the Country through the desert. He managed to reach Niger where he requested assistance from IOM to return to Liberia. He returned along with other migrants in 2020. He used his IOM reintegration assistance to set up a micro-business to enable him continue his university education. Because of lies and misinformation that made him and many other young Liberians to continue and take the irregular path, he decided to join the Migrants as Messengers Volunteer Team to share his testimony and warn potential migrants and parents about the risks and danger irregular migration post to the life of young people.

Returned migrants play a central role as Volunteers in the development, planning and implementation of the Migrants as Messengers campaign.

Through their stories, the learnings from their migratory experiences and their creativity, MaM Volunteers are the principal authors and actors of the campaign. From 2019-2022, a community of more than 300 volunteers across 7 countries will develop and grow. This community will also have access to diversified training and capacity-building opportunities and be invited to regular activities to support the development of an organic and sustainable community. Female engagement plays an important role within the MaM Volunteer community as they will take the lead in shaping women-to-women dialogue sessions and engaging female audiences more generally.